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Revive Daily Assignments

Day 11 – Create a cleaning schedule.

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3 responses to “Day 11 – Create a cleaning schedule.”

  1. jennmaruska

    For the first time I am scheduling a day of rest in my week (Saturday). It’s always bothered me that the rest of the family gets to do fun things most of the weekend, while I’m trying to catch up on chores. I’m getting better at delegating, but still. I think life will go on if I take a day off. In the past, taking a day off meant that I was in the weeds and had twice as much to do the next day. : (
    Hopefully, sticking to a schedule will avoid that. Fingers crossed!!

    1. AngieS

      Fingers crossed for you! Sunday is my day of rest. . .that is, after I serve them a big dinner at noon. 🙂

  2. AngieS

    My light bulb for the weekend: over 26 years of marriage I’ve developed a fairly workable weekly cleaning routine, which I refined when I did this course last year. BUT I still struggle with the less frequent chores. In the past year I’ve started printing the Go Clean Co fall/spring cleaning schedules, but as a homeschool mama I just don’t have that kind of time! I’m going to try to convert those schedules to focus on deep cleaning a different room/type of room each month.
    I looked at the app you linked it, thinking it would be helpful in this project, and even got as far as downloading it. Thankfully, before I could decide monthly/annual, I remembered I’m really an analog girl at heart. 😉 So I’ll be spending some quality time with my bullet journal to set up this schedule instead.

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